I’ve hurt my neck and am struggling to do what I normally do without pain, numbness and pins and needles in my right arm. It seems to be taking an age to clear up and is leaving me somewhat museless, thats museless but actually take away the m and I am quite useless as well. Hammering metal is out of the question as is carding fleece and I just don’t feel inspired to work with polymer clay. I am able to do small amounts of needle felting, more on that later but I thought I’d post a picture of the new path to the polycrub that was finished yesterday (not by me).
Granted there is still an amount of tidying up to do and the yellow flag iris needs to be tamed but now we have a dry, mud free path to and from the PT. The courgettes are thriving despite the cold summer and we’ve started eating them with bacon and new potatoes. I’m really pleased with the fuchsia hanging basket, its starting to look the business!
It was actually very sunny this morning when I took the pics so unfortunately the colour is a bit washed out but hey the suns out.