We are awash with eggs and need to do something with them other than fry with bacon for a delicious breakfast, so we decided to pickle some. It really is simple and just involves hard boiling
Cover with cold water to cool slightly and shell. Meanwhile bring about 1lt white vinegar to boil and add some spices. I added dried birds eye chillies, cardamom pods, corriander and black peppercorns to the vinegar and cooked for a few minutes. I’d already selected a large kilner jar and had washed and put into the oven on very low for ten mins or so.
Put shelled eggs into the jar and pour on the vinegar with the spices and fill to the top ensuring all eggs are covered. Leave for one month before consuming, they last for about 6 months. I got this idea from The Accidental Smallholder website.
So we had more gooseberrys picked and made more jelly this morning and one of the pastures was cleared of thistles – good mornings work!